i just watch sigur rós live last night and i had to said OMG wow wow, excellent concert by them. when will they be coming down here? but they bringing down mogwai instead. well here the review and the video link.
sigur rós in laugardalshöllin, reykjavíknovember 27th 2005
"the best thing god has created"
sigur rós seemed to be in better spirits last sunday than when i saw them last. their new album, "takk...", has done very well, both critically and commercially. its tone is considerably lighter than that of their slow and melancholic previous release, "( )". the band's mood might also be explained by the fact that on sunday they held the most phenomenal pop concert ever to take place in iceland. icelanders hardly ever get the chance to witness seventeen musicians on stage at one time unless the band is icelandic – the cost of travel and accomodations for foreigners is simply too high. this is why it's convenient that we have a band as wonderful as sigur rós, and such talented musicians to assist them on stage. the marriage of these musicians' talents resulted in a truly unforgettable evening.
when a semi-transparent silkscreen separated the audience from the stage, i began to suspect we were in for something special. the band members entered the stage with the intro song "takk" in the background as the crowd watched the enormous silhouettes of jónsi, georg, orri and kjartan appear on the silkscreen. they launched into "glósóli", much to the crowd's pleasure. with a roar of guitars in the second half of the song we were abruptly introduced to the band's rock personality. a divine yellow light bathed the screen and auditorium, and goosebumps creeped down my back.
the screen was pulled back and jónsi commenced attacking the strings on his guitar with a bow. somehow, this wall of noise faded seamlessly into the delicate intro of "ný batterí" from "ágætis byrjun" as a nine-piece brass band played the horn intro. darkness pervaded the stage until pounding drums burst into the song and bright lights blinked to the rhythm of orri's precise but minimalistic drum beat.
the remainder of the concert continued in this dramatic manner. in nearly every song there was a divine moment of sound or visuals: the auditorium filling with smiling faces as the brass band playfully marched across the stage during the end of "sé lest"; the extraordinary string and brass arrangements of "hoppípolla / með blóðnasir" and "olsen olsen", and the crowd's sincere, involunatry applause as they recognized the songs; the long silence during the middle of "viðrar vel til loftárása"; the pleasure of witnessing the band's synergy on stage and the ease with which they exchange instruments; bassist georg playing drums while orri is busy playing on one of the many keyboards on stage.
one of the concert's most exceptional moments was during last song before the first encore, "heysátan", one of the best songs of "takk...". the four band members formed a tight circle in the middle of stage, lit with one simple spotlight. seeing the band so intimate after such extravagant precedings made you forget there were five thousand other guests in the auditorium. the massive stage had suddenly transformed into a cozy garage or basement and i felt like a fly on the wall at a rehearsal of theirs. when the song was finished i hesitated – should i applaud them back to the stage? wasn't this the perfect end to a flawless concert?
the other concert guests had no such hesitations. they wanted more. sigur rós returned to the stage and played "hafsól", which first appeared on 1997's "von" but has now been released as a reworking on the "hoppípolla" single. the b-side to the "untitled #1" single followed, accompanied by an effective video backdrop of white birds on a black background, sitting on a wire. as the song floated on the birds came and went, resulting in a state of timelessness. the song closed with the birds and orri sitting alone on stage. orri played a simple but moving melody on electric piano. the crowd roared with applause when the song finished, scaring the birds away so that they flew off the wire in unison.
the stage emptied until jónsi positioned himself in the front of the stage and thanked the crowd for their reactions – it was time for the last song, "untitled #8" from ( ). the beat transition in the middle of the song triggered the silkscreen to move over the stage and the enormous silhouettes of the band, which a moment ago seemed so friendly, suddenly towered over us menacingly. jónsi's shadow was most prominent, appearing to be alone on the stage. the lonely hopelandic reminded me of the cries of a wounded animal. when the madness took over and all the band members began to thrash the instruments violently, their shadows merged with indistinct and ominous images which appeared on the screen while powerful lights blinked randomly in all directions. the chaos was ultimate. the tones and images became unseperable in my mind and it all seemed like a wonderful nightmare which would never end. but it did end, with orri smashing his drum set, and sigur rós had proved themselves to be one of the best bands in the world.
but the climax of the concert had occurred much earlier, in "viðrar vel til loftárása". i have already mentioned the long silence before the line "við riðum heimsendi". though this was particularly sweet, nothing could have prepared me for the flood of emotions that came upon hearing jónsi singing the line "the best thing god has created is a new day". in one instant all the memories of my life appeared to me, just as is said to happen when we die. i saw a white light which was not of this world, all the muscles in my body contracted in one brief moment, and an indescribably blissful shiver ran through me when the muscles all relaxed at once. a tear fell down my right cheek and i had to tighten the grip on my significant other, sitting to my right.
the person sitting to my left ran off shortly after this song and didn't come back. i imagine the song touched him so deeply that he realized he had made a mistake and decided to run down the stairs, into the embrace of his loved one. just like in the movies. except it's real.
listening to: Bjork - Aurora